Confession No. 9: Sometimes I Write Shitty Poetry and Call It Art

I have blood on my knuckles
(on the hands that soothe my friends)
And rage in my heart
(nestled between lungs that breathe hope)
I have gunfire in my ears
(the ones that hear declarations of love)
And weapons in my arms
(cradled the way I once held a babe)
I have ash on my tongue
(that once knew only the taste of honey)
And bones under my feet
(that used to glide across dancefloors)
I have a threat in my eyes
(which used to read with such wonder)
And black on my soul
(which used to be so light)
I was born in peace
(mother screaming, father hitting)
I will die in war
(among friends I have made)
I am a warrior
(and a person)
I would not change

Confession Time: sometimes I don't even know if I'm a person or a tangled mess of hypocritical statements


Your teenaged disaster


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