Confession No. 4: i'm not a damned bit better


you know the story of icarus
a fable
told to children
warning them
teaching them
there are consequences
don't reach
for what you cannot have

you know the story of icarus
(i know you do
you told it to me
but i'm going to tell you again

icarus built wings
wings of wax
wings to fly him away
wings to help him escape

he flew these wings
up and out
he soared
he soared
he saw
the sun

and he wanted

so he kept flying
up, up, towards it
and it burned
his wings were melting
and it burned
and it was so bright
and it tore him to shreds
he would have been blinded
he would have been blistered
he would have been burned
and he kept flying
and he flew
and it burned
his wings melted
and he fell
and he fell
and he fell
and he brained himself on a rock

that poor bastard died
and he didn't get to touch the sun
but the sun sure as hell touched him
and it burned

confession time: i am not a damned bit better


your teenaged disaster


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